Buy LinkedIn Skill Endorsements
With more LinkedIn endorsements, you look more professional, more skilled! Receive up to 17x more profile views and higher ranking by having more skills and endorsements!
LinkedIn Skill Endorsement Prices
+10 Endorsements for each of the top 10 skills – $29
+30 Endorsements for each of the top 10 skills – $49
+50 Endorsements for each of the top 10 skills – $79
99+ Endorsements for each of the top 10 skills – $99
Skill Endorsements from the United States
Delivery time 1-4 days
Money-back Guarantee
24/7 Customer Support
High Quality Service
Express Delivery available
When you order LinkedIn skill endorsements from us, your order is covered with 14 days money back guarantee! We are 100% sure that you will be satisfied with our service, but in case you are not happy with our work, contact us and we issue a full refund immediately. Please read our terms of service for full details.
Why do you need LinkedIn skill endorsements?
Endorsements are basically validation from other professionals that you really possess those skills that you listed on your profile.
But endorsements are much more than that, they also prove our social status! How come? People only endorse you if you are social and a team-player. Nobody endorses anti-social people even if they are highly skilled.
Having many endorsements shows that you are not just great in what you do but also many people appreciate your personality.
Finally, endorsements make you rank higher in search results, attracting more job offers, or customers.
Your LinkedIn skill section before and after
Before buying endorsements, your skill section is just a list of skills nothing more. It looks quite sad and empty as no one – or just a few people – validated your skills.
After buying endorsements, your skill list becomes social proof of that you are highly skilled and appreciated by many professionals on LinkedIn.
Why buy LinkedIn skill endorsements from us?
When you have a lot of connections, but you skill don’t have enough endorsements, it sends the wrong message. How come nobody validate your skills? Aren’t you good in those? Or people don’t like you and don’t give you endorsements?
Bad news: Getting skill endorsements can be hard, because without asking them, your connections are not likely to endorse you by themselves. On the other hand, asking them takes a lot of time and effort – if you have the courage to do that in the first place.
Good news: We can deliver credible looking LinkedIn endorsements at your profile, turning you into the most skilled person in your network! It’s easy, it’s effortless and it’s perfectly safe!
With our help you can populate your skill list with endorsements within days. Your profile will look much beter and in the LinkedIn search results you will also rank higher.
How does our service work?
After placing your order, first, you receive LinkedIn invitations to connect. It’s very important that you need to accept all of them, because they will endorse you later.
After you’ve accepted the invitations and you’ve confirmed it for us, you receive the skill endorsements from your new connections.
We don’t need login information, nothing.
The maximum delivery time is 4 days, but we usually deliver the LinkedIn skill endorsements much faster, often within a day.
How many skill endorsements do you get?
The numbers in the endorsement packages shows how many people will endorse you. When you buy the +10 endorsements package, then 10 people will endorse each of your TOP10 skills. Which means, you receive total 100 endorsements.
When you buy +20 endorsements, then 20 people endorses your TOP10 skills, therefore you receive total 200 endorsements.
The same with the +30, +40 and +50 packages. When you buy those, you receive endorsements from 30, 40 or 50 people which results in 300, 400 or 500 endorsements in total.
The 99+ endorsements package gets you total 1000 endorsements on our TOP10 skills from 100 people.
When you buy LinkedIn skill endorsements from us, we always deliver the endorsements to the TOP10 skills in your skill list that did not reach 99+ endorsements yet.
When you buy for example +30 endorsements, then those skills that are in the TOP10 position of your skill list, will be endorsed by 30 more people than before.
We only endorse your skills until they reach 99+. Once they reach the 99+ level, we continue endorsing the lower skills.
When you buy for example +50 endorsements, but some of your skills in the TOP10 had already let’s say 80 endorsements, then we endorse them until 99+ and then we deliver the rest of the endorsements to the lower skills that still did not reach 99+.
Benefits of buying LinkedIn skill endorsements
Build authority
The more LinkedIn endorsements you have, the better for your expert status. You are not just one of many professionals; you are the expert in your field. Let your endorsements support this statement, and make your real values visible to everyone!
Rank higher in search
With more LinkedIn skills and endorsements you can rank higher in search results! Your profile can be more visible to potential clients, business partners, and employers. Your endorsements will boost your profile and make it up to 17x more visible!
Get it done
Getting LinkedIn endorsements is not just time-consuming but also needs a lot of effort because nagging your connections for endorsements can be hard sometimes. If your time is more valuable than that, let us do the heavy lifting for you!
Best quality
You deserve the best, and nothing less! Using our service, you will receive the highest quality LinkedIn endorsements on the market. Only credible profiles from the United States will endorse your skills!
Do you want more skill endorsements?
We have high quality skill endorsements waiting for you!
Frequently Asked Questions about
buying LinkedIn skill endorsements
Can I choose what skills should be endorsed?
Yes, and no… please keep reading: We can only endorse the TOP10 skills of yours, you can’t select specific skills to endorse. However, you can move your skills around to make sure those are in the TOP10 that you want us to endorse. Read our article to see: How to move your skills around on your LinkedIn profile? Check it out!
Could you endorse my skills further than 99+?
We could, but we don’t do that. We only endorse those skills that don’t have 99+ endorsements yet. For example if your top10 skills already reached 99+ then we endorse the next 10 skills in the list that are not 99+ yet.
Is buying LinkedIn endorsements safe?
Yes, buying LinkedIn endorsements is perfectly safe. The profiles that will endorse your skills are credible, high quality profiles, they look like anybody else on LinkedIn. Not a single customer ever had any problem because of our LinkedIn skill endorsements service.
What is priority, express delivery for LinkedIn skill endorsements?
When you order the priority, express delivery addon, we start delivering your LinkedIn skill endorsements immediately and we deliver them as fast as possible – within the safe speed limits of course – to keep your account 100% safe, while providing the fastest possible results. Important: The delivery speed also depends on how fast do you accept the connections that are necessary for the endorsements.
Can you spread the skill endorsements over X days/weeks?
No, don’t do that. We will deliver the ordered LinkedIn skill endorsements as soon as possible. If you want to receive them slower, we suggest ordering the smallest package at different times, so you can spread out the delivery during several days.
Are the LinkedIn skill endorsements permanent?
Please define permanent. The profiles who will give you LinkedIn endorsemensts will never withdraw, but just as we can’t control hurricanes yet, we can’t control LinkedIn’s actions either. The delivered LinkedIn skill endorsements are as permanent as they can be, and optimally they last forever.
Will the endorser people be from the same field?
No, and they don’t have to be. Here is an example: You could endorse your dentist for dentistry, even if you are not a dentist and you are not even in the healthcare industry.
Can I chose what profiles should endorse my skills?
No, we don’t offer targeting options, such as only C-level executives, or from a a certain country other than the United States. The endorsements will come from normal LinkedIn members without targeting.
LinkedJetpack Customer Reviews
4.9 / 5 based on 348 reviews
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Latest verified customer reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I will not hesitate to give them 5 Stars. everything started to go up really quickly and then speed went down a little bit and then started going up in crazy speed. haha ! Thank you so much!” – Tereza Bassols
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Thanks for the followers, Now my company profile looks cool” – Kevin Mathiesen
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “LinkedJepack is my number 1 website to buy LinkedIn followers, No doubt about it now. they never cease to amaze me” – Harry Gibbons
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Honestly, I have been struggling for some time to grow a bit my LinkedIn account, I know that you need to be patient but it seemed like nothing happened. A friend suggested me this website and I gave it a shot. No regrets at all!” – Elisa Laubie
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “It really works! The customer service is incredibly helpful and patient to answer all my questions. Not to mention that I got the Linkedin likes in such a short time! It’s not like you need to wait an eternity!” – Michael Heffner
Case Study: How to use LinkedIn skill endorsements
Andrew was a lead UX/UI designer, working at a big corporation. During COVID he had to work from home and when finally, he could go back to the office, he didn’t feel like doing so. After getting a taste of the freedom that remote working provided, he decided to leave his well-paid job and start his own small company, with the aim of building better website and app interfaces for his future clients.
Being an amazing UX/UI designer is one thing, but doing marketing for your own company and getting clients is completely different challenge. Reaching out directly to companies with cold calls and emails, offering his services didn’t seem working.
After reading many articles about social selling and marketing, he figured, that the best way to attract new clients is to posting content on LinkedIn. Posting his portfolio was not engaging enough, he got a few likes and comments such as “Nice design!” but that’s all. Then he got a great idea to create an engaging post series about “interface design fails” to show what kind of mistakes companies often make on their websites that end up hurting their business.
These new posts were working better than posting his portfolio, but it was not real break-through either, the problem was still the lack of engagement and paying clients.
Takeaway: First you need to find you niche and the communication channel with the best results in terms of ROI. Creating engaging content seems easy, but driving meaningful engagement that converts to paying customers might be harder than it seems. Pivot and refine your strategy until you find the sweet spot, where your marketing/sales works the best.
That’s when Andrew stumbled upon our website and reached out to us pointing out some of our design fails – that we’ve fixed since then, thank you! – in exchange we decided to help him with his LinkedIn marketing strategy.
Our suggestion was to conduct some market research first, to understand his clients better, what they need, what are their pain points. As it turned out, the biggest problem was not just having bad user interfaces and design, but also working with people who were not nice to work with. From this, it was clear how to proceed.
Andrew bought a lot of skill endorsements to confirm that he is a great designer, but most importantly it showed that people like him enough to endorse him. On the top of that, bought written recommendations that highlighted how amazing is to work with him.
Finally, we’ve delivered a few hundred likes and posted some comments on his articles. Most of the comments were asking for help about graphics design and user interface issues, related to the content in the posted. As Andrew replied to those comments it became clear to his network; He knows what he talks about, he is good in his profession and most importantly, he is communicative, helpful, available for his clients and network.
He did not have to wait long for the results. After our initial engagement delivery, soon real engagement started appearing on his posts. Company owners and entrepreneurs were asking questions and help about UX/UI issues. He made it part of his daily routine to spend 10 mins on replying to these comments, and gaining a lot of fruitful business connections and paying clients in the process.
Takeaway: Sometimes it’s not obvious what is the real pain of your clients. In this case the clients simply needed someone who listens to them. Find your client’s pain points and highlight it on your profile that you are the best match to resolve that problem. By buying skill endorsements, written recommendations and happy comments under your posts, your clients will see your claims validated by third party individuals.