Free LinkedIn Content Calendar Generator
Publish better quality content on LinkedIn faster and easier by planning ahead!
With our free LinkedIn content calendar generator, you can plan ahead, post better, faster and easier resulting in less headache, more engagement and success!
Simply, select the content categories that you are comfortable with creating, and our free LinkedIn content calendar generator makes a personalized 30 day calendar for you within seconds!
You will never be short on post ideas again, we’ve got you covered!

What is special about a LinkedIn content calendar?
You know very well what is the difference between LinkedIn and the rest of the social networks: People are professionals there, doing serious business. Unlike the kids on other social media platforms that are chasing likes and looking for new ways how to embarass themselves in 30 second videos.
Most of the content ideas that work on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok are useless on LinkedIn, because the people and their preferences are very different.
Our content calendar is made for LinkedIn, it gives you content strategy and ideas to publish appropriate content that is not just interesting, entertaining but also helps growing your business. Because at the end of the day, that’s what matters.
Save time with our LinkedIn content calendar and do what you love! Instead of endlessly brainstorming on what the next post should be, go for a walk, watch a movie, do business or… buy LinkedIn likes and comments from us!
LinkedIn post content ideas
Feel free to use these ideas to spice up your posts on LinkedIn
Behind-the-Scenes Shots
Whether you work from the comfort of your sofa or from a co-working space, give your audience a glimpse of your work behind the scenes. It’s transparent and honest — two qualities that consumers admire in a business.
If possible, make the photo as unplanned as possible. Don’t style your office space. Show off your workspace in all its messy glory.
You don’t have to share photographs of your home or bedroom. To protect your privacy, you can work from a local coffee shop or other public space. The goal is to give your followers a glimpse of your process.
Your Short- and Long-Term Goals
Many people use LinkedIn not only to announce their goals, but to track them. Whether you’re setting a goal for the day or for the year, keep yourself accountable by posting your objective on LinkedIn.
Goals keep us working toward something, whether it’s selling your new app or growing your email list to 5,000 subscribers. It could also be something more abstract, though goals work best when they’re measurable and achievable.
Inspire Your Audience With a Quote
An inspirational quote can get your audience in the mood to learn and grow. It can be a famous quote from someone famous or something you’ve said that has resonated with your followers.
Consider using our Free Motivational Image Generator These types of LinkedIn posts often get the most shares because they’re easy to spread to other audiences.
Reposts From Fans and Followers
Nothing says “I appreciate you” on LinkedIn more effectively than reposting something a fan or follower has shared. You send the message that you’re not all about your business — you want to see others succeed, too.
Make sure to track your business’s name or branded hashtag on LinkedIn. If someone else uses it, give the post a signal boost. Not only will you earn the respect and gratitude of your follower, but you’ll also spread the word about your brand.
Ask Your Followers to Share Their Opinions
We all love to share our opinions. You can capitalize on that fact by asking your followers for theirs. What do they think about your website? What topics would they love for you to cover in future blog posts? Are they interested in joining a membership site with premium content?
Make sure to use hashtags effectively and to ask a simple question that doesn’t require much thought. You’re looking for maximum engagement.
Additionally, invite your followers to loop in their friends on the conversation. They can tag other people on LinkedIn to give your post a signal boost.
Talk About What You’re Reading or Watching
Are you reading a fascinating new book that relate to your industry or niche and would interest your audience? Share a photograph of it and leave a brief review. You can use hashtags like #nowreading to make sure that your posts show up for booklovers.
The same goes for #nowwatching or #nowlistening. Share television shows, YouTube channels, music or something that inspired you and helped you to grow your business.
Showcase Someone You Admire
Is there someone in your industry who consistently delivers amazing content, inspires other creators, or brings cool things to the industry? Celebrate that person on LinkedIn. You’ll associate your brand with that person and perhaps even connect at a later date.
Timely Posts and Newsjacks
Newsjacking is when you steal a topic from the headlines and spin it to relate to your industry. For instance, if there’s a news story about craft bloggers, and you create online courses that teach people how to do crafts, you could link to the story and add your own spin.
Newsworthy and timely posts won’t last long in terms of readership, but they’re great for fast-moving feeds like those on LinkedIn. Plus, you can take advantage of the news story’s searchability. Just make sure to use this tactic responsibly. Don’t newsjack a tragedy, for instance, to benefit your brand.
Provide a Tip or Trick
Share cool tips and tricks that you think might help your LinkedIn audience overcome a problem or achieve a goal.
Think about little hacks that have made your life easier. It should relate to your Knowledge Commerce business in some way, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Include a photograph that illustrates the tip or trick well. You don’t need pro photography skills. In fact, many of the most-shared photos on LinkedIn have a very amateur quality about them.
Admit Something That Didn’t Work
Own up to your failures when you need things to post on LinkedIn. Share a story about something that didn’t work out, whether it cost you thousands of dollars or simply resulted in disappointment.
Others can learn from your failures just as they can learn from your successes. Plus, when you’re willing to admit to a situation that didn’t work as you’d planned, you add transparency and honesty to your brand image.
Showcase Your Products in Action
You can demonstrate your products’ features in a LinkedIn post. For instance, if you teach people how to play the piano, provide a video of one of your customers playing part of a piece. If you teach spirituality, ask your audience to submit photographs that mean something to them spiritually.
This is also a great way to attract user-generated content. When people take the time to create an image or video that relates to your brand, it means that they find your products particularly valuable. It sends social signals to others, too, that you’re someone who creates worthy products.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Does your company have dedicated fans? Let their voices be heard and share their thoughts on LinkedIn.
You can do this by posting their kind words or even better, creating a graphic with their testimonial directly on it. Don’t forget to include their name/handle!
For this purpose, you could use our Free Motivational Image Generator. Just paste the review and add the name of your customer as author, click and done!
Host Contests and Giveaways
People love to win free stuff, and the people who don’t win might buy your digital products after they see how much buzz they’ve generated.
For example, giving away free access to your online course doesn’t cost you anything. Plus, you don’t have to take the time to box it up, ship it, and track the delivery.
Both giveaways and contests are also great chances to promote user-generated content. Ask your followers to mention your brand or branded hashtag in their entry posts. You’ll get more exposure as well as interest in your digital products.
Cross-Promote Another Social Media Account
You can often cut your social media time in half by cross-posting. Just because someone follows you on Twitter doesn’t mean that he or she also follows your LinkedIn feed. Post the same content on LinkedIn and Twitter so the post does double duty.
Just remember to change up your caption, image, or other elements to suit the medium. Twitter posts are, by necessity, very short, so you might want to add more meat to your LinkedIn posts.
Answer Your Most Frequently Asked Question
Answering FAQs about your business could help clear any confusions and hesitation on the part of potential customers. It will show that you are listening to and care about your customers.
Post Industry News
In raw numbers, news articles get more social shares than any other type of article. Most businesses that produce content are focusing on deep, long-form content rather than as-it-happens breaking news.
Create a list of news sources in your industry. This could include trade publications or websites. Then, find those sources on Twitter and follow them. When they share something interesting, share it on LinkedIn.
Your Why
What gets you out of bed in the morning? Why do you work so hard that you sometimes fall asleep at your desk?
Your “why” is your reason for being. Post an image on LinkedIn that encapsulates your reason for sharing your knowledge, whether it’s your child, spouse, or passion in life.
When you make decisions based on your why, you’ll be more successful in business as well as in your personal relationships. Plus, you’ll attract people who share your values and beliefs.
Ask Your audience Tag a Friend
One way to increase your reach is to encourage your audience to tag their friends. However, you need a compelling reason for them to do so.
For instance, let’s say that you build online courses for web-designers. You could ask your audience to tag their designer friends who could benefit from a free lead magnet you’ve produced on the lastest design trends. It’s a great way to show off your generosity while expanding your audience.
Polls with a Twist
Take the opinion idea a step further and host a LinkedIn poll. Give users two or three options.
Unfortunately LinkedIn does not allow images atached in poll posts, so you should experiment with the following: Instead of a classic LinkedIn poll, post an image with the questions written on it and ask your followers to comment with their response.
Your Morning Routine
What do you do when you get up in the morning? Do you pound four cups of coffee? Do you take a long walk to clear your head? Are you busy getting the kids off to school?
Entrepreneurs have discovered that sharing personal stories and information can prove just as effective as sharing business-related posts. When you give your audience a peek into your daily life, you let them know that they’re part of your inner circle.
Feature a Customer
People love to feel appreciated and admired. Give that gift to one of your customers. Choose a name out of a hat or go with someone who has devoted significant time to your business or brand.
For example you might feature a customer who has earned a certification or other honor related to your industry and because of your online courses and other digital products. You could also interview a customer for your blog, then share outtakes on LinkedIn.
Share a Tutorial
Use a series of LinkedIn posts to share a tutorial with your audience. Each post is a step in the process.
Remember to number the posts so your audience understands that each one is part of a series. Use photos to illustrate the steps, which will help your followers keep up with you as you complete a goal or process.
Remind Your Audience About Your Blog
If you have a blog (and we recommend you start one), remind your audience it exists by sharing a LinkedIn post that mentions your latest article.
LinkedIn is a great website, but having a “Plan B”, like a blog is very important, because there you are in control of your content. If something happens to LinkedIn, your posts are still safe there.
Mention Your Favorite Tools
Have you discovered a brilliant new tool like our LinkedIn Recommendation Generator, that makes your life easier or more manageable? Don’t keep it to yourself. Instead, promote it to your LinkedIn followers so they can check it out, too.
Post a Reminder to Join Your Email List
Want to grow your email list? Ask your LinkedIn followers to sign up. Make sure to explain the benefits of subscribing, such as getting coupons and free tips and advice. Include a link in your profile to your email opt-in form.
Post Really Cool Statistics
Statistics get shared on LinkedIn and elsewhere because they’re usually shocking. To that end, you don’t want to post a boring or lackluster statistic — you want to share something that will capture your audience’s attention.
How much is your industry worth? How many people participate in your hobby? You can use websites like Statista and Statistic Brain for quick research. Just type in a keyword or phrase related to your niche or industry to find related statistics. Then incorporate the numbers you find into a compelling image.
Add a Dose of Humor
If you’re funny, use that quality to your advantage. Humor works well on LinkedIn, especially if it’s easily demonstrable in graphic format. A funny photograph or video can get shared hundreds or even thousands of times.
Just remember that humor should always be appropriate and relevant to your industry and niche. LinkedIn is not Facebook or Instagram where you could post random daily memes. Make sure to stay on track, as you are posting on a professional, business website.
Launch a Co-Campaign
Struggling to find things to post on LinkedIn? Partner with someone else. Start a co-campaign with another Knowledge Commerce professional or an influencer whose work relates to your industry. You can combine your audiences, which might result in more exposure.
Talk About Upcoming Events
Are you attending an event in the near future? Did you just return from an event? Post about it on LinkedIn! It’s easy to connect with your followers in the online world, but you can also remind them that you exist in real life.
Not only that, but promoting events can get you more exposure. People who are searching for that event on LinkedIn might discover your post and begin following you because of your shared interests. Additionally, the event’s hosts or organizers might repost whatever you write to promote the event, which brings even more exposure.
Share a Fill-in-the-Blank Post
Asking your audience to finish a sentence can be fun, and it definitely encourages engagement.
Think something like this: “If I had an unlimited social media budget I would spend it on _________”
Get creative with it, and see what you can come up with.
Repost From Your Employees
Reposting from your customers’ accounts can be great, but don’t neglect your employees. They’re part of your brand, so repost their LinkedIn posts to give them signal boosts and to show that you’re united in creativity and knowledge.
In addition to gaining more attention on LinkedIn, you’ll also show your employees that you care about them. A solid team behind your brand can mean the difference between success and failure.
Share a Blast From the Past
You’ve heard of Throwback Thursday (#tbt), right? It’s a hashtag trend on social media that encourages people to post old photographs on Thursdays. Of course, you can have Throwback Monday if you prefer — just post an older image when the inspiration strikes.
Consider relating it in some way to your business. For instance, if you develop iOS app, you could post a picture of your app’s first design plan sketches on paper.
Celebrate Something!
Don’t just post your short and long- term goals, but also celebrate reaching them!
Believe it or not, your audience cares about you, and they want to see you succeed. Share your successes with them on social media and celebrate together!
Celebrating smaller and bigger wins shows that you are successful and anyone who take their business to you will be in good hands.
Curate Content
Content curation is simply sharing the content of others in your niche. Sometimes, the things you want to share with your audience have already been written. Rather than spending the time crafting an in-depth post, you can quickly share one that’s already been written (by giving them credit, of course)!
Benefits of a LinkedIn content calendar
Keeps you organized and on track
Most of us are so busy and stressed already – why make it worse by having to worry about what to post every single day?
A content calendar will give you a better perspective of your overall marketing strategy. You’ll be able to align your post topics with your social media and email marketing content.
Besides, it will help you mend content gaps and prevent you from missing your content’s mark (or a deadline!).
Excellent for brainstorming
When you start organizing your content topics with your team, the chances are that some will have a creativity surge, and you end up with a plethora of new ideas. That will help you select better topics and reserve some for later use.
By monitoring and analyzing your audience’s engagement and feedback, you’ll gain valuable insights into their preferences which you can later apply to your content and adjust accordingly.
Maintains consistency
The 3 Cs of content marketing might as well be consistency, consistency, and consistency. The key to always being on your audience’s radar is offering them educational, relevant, and entertaining content day after day.
Irregular posting leads to an out-of-sight-out-of-mind kind of scenario no matter how much your audience likes your writing efforts.
Keeps your audience engaged
Sometimes you can indeed wing it, but that’s not a method that will work in the long run. When you’re in a hurry to publish something, you might fail to check if it’s a repetitive topic covered beforehand.
Similarly, randomly picked topics that don’t resonate with your audience also hurt your engagement. However, a planned content calendar will allow you to spot such blunders, so you only publish fresh and relevant content.
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