Free LinkedIn Recommendation Generator
Looking for LinkedIn Recommendation Examples?
We got you covered!
With our free LinkedIn recommendation generator, you can generate free LinkedIn recommendation examples with a single click.
Just complete the basic data in the form and our AI will instantly generate personalized LinkedIn recommendation samples containing the name, company, position, and skills you have set.

Steps of creating a perfect LinkedIn recommendation
Make it detailed
The more details you add to your LinkedIn recommendation, the better the readers will know and understand why are you recommending someone. Don’t just write one or two sentences, saying like “It was nice working with him.” because that doesn’t carry any information about why and how?
Make it interesting
Nobody wants to read a long, boring and dry recommendation, so make it interesting. Your first sentence should grab the attention of the reader and make them keep reading, while your last sentence should be powerful, to finish the recommendation with good energy on a positive note.
Make it specific
Instead of being vague and telling that someone is a good professional, try to be specific, mention his skills, methodologies or something that made this person worthy for a recommendation in your eyes. It must have been something remarkable, so mention it in the text.
Make it personal
Your recommendation is your subjective opinion from your perspective, based on your personal experience with this person. Add details about your professional relationship to help the readers understand it better, why do you recommend this person.
Frequently Asked Questions about
writing LinkedIn Recommendations
How does the LinkedIn recommendation generator work?
LinkedIn recommendation generator uses recommendation templates, that we collected from real people. After filling your personal information to the form, you will receive personalized LinkedIn recommendation examples. The recommendation sample result can be perfect and ready to use as it is, but in some cases it might need further editing. We suggest to read the computer-generated recommendations, just in case it has some mistakes.
Where do you get the LinkedIn recommendations samples from?
We have a lot of friends and business partners on LinkedIn, we collect these recommendation samples from their profiles with their approval. Our software uses these real recommendations collected from real profiles and filling them with your input, to make 100% personalized results for you. If there are grammatical or other mistakes in the recommendations, that means the original people who wrote them made the same mistakes. We are human, it’s ok to make mistakes.
How many recommendation text variations do you have?
It’s hard to tell how many variations can the LinkedIn recommendation generator make because it builds the text from randomly picked sentences and even changes synonyms in the text. If you play with it for long enough, will have the feeling that it’s repeating itself because we have a limited amount of base sentences in the database, but the synonyms will be different in every case. The chance to generate two totally identical recommendations is almost the same as winning the lottery. And don’t forget, we suggest to customize the text further with your additional thoughts to make it more meaningful and personal.
Are these LinkedIn recommendations examples good for managers, boss?
Yes, they are perfect for any role! If you want to make recommendations for your boss, for a manager, just try our recommendation generator and you will get perfect recommendations for your project manager or anyone. You can use generated result as it is, or you can add further details to make it more personal. The key of a good recommendation is to make it personal, by highlighting the important skills, of course, the name of the recipient, the role, company name and maybe some more things that you feel important to mention. Our goal was to make it easy and fun to recommend people. You can get the initial idea here, that you can develop further to make a perfect recommendation.
How many LinkedIn Recommendation Examples can I make here?
The service is free, you can generate as many LinkedIn recommendation samples as many you want. We are happy to help you, taking the struggle out of the recommendation writing. Just generate some samples quickly and add your own thoughts to make them perfect! Your connections will surely appreciate your recommendations.
What if I don’t like the recommendations you make?
In case you don’t like the recommendations that our free tool makes, then check out our articles on: how to write a great LinkedIn recommendation or how to write a recommendation for manager or employee or check out our best Linkedin recommendation examples
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