Is LinkedJetpack selling bad quality services?

From time to time new visitors of our website: ask us about the quality of the delivered services, such as LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations. Our service is private and confidential, so we won’t show earlier delivered services and other customer’s profiles to anyone. But that makes it harder to prove the high quality of our services.

Quality LinkedIn Endorsements and Recommendations

Unfortunately, a lot of other websites are selling low-quality LinkedIn endorsements and overall terrible quality service. Most of our customers who asks us about the quality have experienced bad quality service somewhere else, and they are afraid they might get ripped off on LinkedJetpack too.

That is why we turned the shopping process on our website upside down! As we know we are the very first in the industry who are giving away these kinds of services for free, without an upfront fee! The best way to prove that LinkedJetpack’s services are high quality if we ask for the money after the delivery! If the customer is not satisfied he doesn’t have to pay a single dime! There is no credit card involved; there is no pending charge, nothing. We deliver for free, and the customer pays only when he got the services, and he is satisfied with the quality.

Since we give our services for free, there is absolutely no risk. There are no more questions like: “Is LinkedJetpack a scam?” or “Is LinkedJetpack selling bad quality service?” If someone is looking for terrible quality services, keep looking somewhere else, because we only have terrific quality here on LinkedJepack!