Why you should have 5000+ LinkedIn connections or followers?

The short answer is: If you are only a casual LinkedIn user who just have a profile but otherwise not doing much, then you don’t need 5000+ connections or followers. However… if LinkedIn is your main marketing and sales channel then keep reading!

As you must have noticed, LinkedIn is slowly but surely copying features from Facebook. One of the latest LinkedIn “innovation” is: Stories.

LinkedIn Stories allows you to share images and short videos of your everyday professional moments. Just like on Facebook and Instagram, the stories that you share stay visible for 24 hours. This feature is available only from the latest version of the LinkedIn mobile app.

The LinkedIn Stories is available for everyone, not just for company pages and people with more than 5000 followers or connections. But when you have more than 5000 followers You can add web links to your LinkedIn Stories using the swipe up feature to direct your viewers to additional content! In case you don’t have 5000 followers yet, don’t worry, you can buy LinkedIn followers from us!

Having links in your LinkedIn Stories is an obviously game changer because then people can directly react to your call to action, instead of just watching the story and then… doing nothing.

To add the swipe up feature:

  1. Add a photo or video to your Story.
  2. Tap the  Linkicon at the top.
  3. Add the URL under Add a link.
  4. Select the applicable action button.
  5. Tap Done.
    • Note: You can tap Edit Linkto modify your link or Preview Link to see what your viewers will see when they swipe up on your Story.
  6. Tap Share Story.

If you already have 5000 followers but this feature is still not available for you, then you have one more super easy thing left to do: You have to change the CONNECT button on your profile to FOLLOW.

This is how you can do that: Go to Settings & Privacy, then in the left side menu click on Visibility and scroll down to Visibility of your LinkedIn activity. There you can find the Followers option. Set the Make follow primary to YES, and you are done.

That’s it, enjoy adding links to your LinkedIn Stories to boost your marketing and sales!